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Transformation @ Work

Episode 44: So You’ve Deployed Salesforce In Your Nonprofit… Now How Do You Get People to Use It?

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Transformation @ Work

Episode 44: So You’ve Deployed Salesforce In Your Nonprofit… Now How Do You Get People to Use It?

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Transformation @ Work

Episode 44: So You’ve Deployed Salesforce In Your Nonprofit… Now How Do You Get People to Use It?

Antonia Moore

Antonia Moore

Antonia brings over 15 years of experience in the Salesforce ecosystem to her current role as a Senior Business Analyst at Gerent. In that time, she’s led countless training sessions and helped employees at all levels understand what they can accomplish with Salesforce. Her love of training, mentorship, and education runs through everything she does. Case in point: in addition to her customer-facing training efforts, she provides mentorship to multiple coworkers at Gerent.

Emeka Elemamba

Senior Change Management Consultant

Emeka is an experienced change management consultant with over 10 years of experience leading strategic organizational change efforts, and overseeing complex projects in diverse industries. He has a passion for stakeholder management, innovative communication, and achieving impactful results for organizations making the switch to Salesforce.

No one wants to spend their precious time at work fighting with technology or inefficient processes. This is doubly true for the nonprofit sector, where people get into the field to help their communities and make a difference in the world. Unfortunately for team leaders, that often translates to understandable resistance to adopting new technology. That resistance presents a unique challenge for these leaders: how do you get employees excited about adoption, while recognizing that any training or transition is going to pull them away from the work they want to be doing?

No one wants to spend their precious time at work fighting with technology or inefficient processes. This is doubly true for the nonprofit sector, where people get into the field to help their communities and make a difference in the world. Unfortunately for team leaders, that often translates to understandable resistance to adopting new technology. That resistance presents a unique challenge for these leaders: how do you get employees excited about adoption, while recognizing that any training or transition is going to pull them away from the work they want to be doing?

That’s where effective training and change management come into play. A qualified change management partner can play a make-or-break role in overcoming resistance and helping team members recognize the value Salesforce provides to the organization and its mission. In this episode of Transformation @ Work, we’re looking at how leaders can work with their technology partner to excite their employees about new technology to drive serious user adoption long-term.

Key Highlights

02:44: Common causes of employee resistance to new technology within the nonprofit sector

05:50: The crucial role of readiness testing in understanding employee resistance and how to overcome it

07:05: Addressing the fear of change: how to help employees understand “What’s in it for me?”

10:22: How nonprofits can drive user adoption through better, more employee-focused training

13:26: Balancing the day-to-day operations of a nonprofit with the necessary time it takes to learn new technologies

18:21: Deployment is just the start: the importance of ongoing success tracking to monitor user adoption

20:21: The impact effective change management and training can have on user adoption

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