AI and Data

Take advantage of the flood of global AI investment.

We use these four approaches to help your company accelerate the value you get from AI

AI Strategy

Proofs of
Concepts (POCs)

Strategy + Implementation

AI Agency-as-a-Service

NEW - Connected Assets and AI Demo

Bolt Data and Gerent demonstrate the transformative impact of Connected Assets and AI within Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud

From big tech to open source, global AI investment is unprecedented. This brings us new tech almost daily.

We use that tech to deliver our services to you and curate them in a sandbox environment. Start prototyping in a week or less with Gerent-powered prototyping solutions for AI.

AI Strategy Assessments

Define a robust AI strategy. Assessments can be coupled with POCs.

POCs and ready-to-go solutions

Over 50 already exist, such as knowledge engine which rapidly cleans up knowledge bases.

AI Agency-as-a-Service

Up and running in as little as a week, ROI focused, rapid and flexible approach.

Salesforce Strategy + Implementation

Power custom Salesforce solutions to enhance your business processes.

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We work across all major AI tiers in order to activate a whole AI strategy.

We've seen companies across a range of industries take a tiered approach to their AI strategy. We help clients navigate through every tier: from Salesforce AI activation in tiers 1 and 2 to custom applications in tiers 3 and 5.

Our Focus Areas

We build on and develop solutions across our vertical practices, from Manufacturing to Regulated Industries to Architecture/Engineering/Construction (AEC) sectors. Examples include:

Operational Efficiency

  • Utilizing AI to scan cases in Salesforce and generate skill-based routing
  • An agentic business development research that find prospective accounts and opportunities
  • Optimizing call center cost / CX - ROI Proving with AI

Business Development

  • Increasing proposal responsiveness and identifying new projects
  • Optimizing sorting and matching process for RFP responses
  • Employing agent-based business development system

Marketing Efficency

  • Employing efficient, accurate content ingestion for marketing
  • Leveraging dynamic content packaging for diverse audience needs
  • Maximizing content organization to enhance findability and usability

Workforce / Customer Experience

  • Harnessing a chatbot solution for routine inquiries
  • Utilizing workforce efficiency tools
  • Applying customer sentiment analysis tool

Location-based Businesses

  • Creating an interactive wayfinding solution for efficient navigation
  • Building dynamic crowd management system using live data
  • Obtaining a seamless online ordering system from local vendors

Some ways our tools have helped customers across industries

Data Validation


Pricing Analysis

Salesforce implementation and customization services

Lower barriers to your Salesforce success goals with AI solutions

Optimize customer journeys using
CRM Analytics Einstein

Ready your data for Einstein AI

Unify data sources with Salesforce
Data Cloud

Empower decision-making with
Tableau visualizations

Transform operations with custom
AI integrations

Evergreen AI

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These three areas are — and will be for some time — the evergreen areas of innovation in AI.

Our goal is to maintain (and improve) your solutions with Understanding, Generation, and Interaction as foundational pillars.

Gerent AI keeps you ahead of the curve by continuously integrating the latest advancements around these pillars into your tailored ecosystem.

Gerent’s Commitment to AI

In October 2022, Gerent invested in Enginable, a dedicated entity whose mission is to leverage rapidly emerging AI advancements in everything we do, to bring outsized value to our customers.

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Campbell Hyers

Campbell Hyers

Head of Data + AI, Gerent
CEO of Enginable

"Many of our customers have been successfully using AI and data for more than a decade, and they recognize we are in an unprecedented time. We are thrilled to be helping them, and we want all of our customers to benefit from these new, once-in-a-generation capabilities.”

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Some technology we’ve built with

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