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Dreamforce 2023 Recap: Salesforce Unlocks the Capabilities of AI

If there was one big theme at this year’s Dreamforce, it was this: companies can trust Salesforce to leverage AI securely and effectively.

If there was one big theme at this year’s Dreamforce, it was this: companies can trust Salesforce to leverage AI securely and effectively. Marc Benioff, the founder and CEO of Salesforce, explained during the Dreamforce 2023 Main Keynote:

“You're gonna want all this incredible AI. But you're gonna want it with trust and security,” Benioff explained. “You’re going to want it democratized across all your applications, understanding the metadata so it can leverage it in new, exciting ways. And as of now, that dream is entirely achievable.” 

Everyone wants to leverage the groundbreaking technology of large language models (LLMs) to their fullest potential, from Microsoft to Google. However, given that LLMs require data-sharing to function, questions have been rightfully raised about privacy, regulatory measures, and how companies that leverage LLMs will use shared data. 

Dreamforce 2023 answered these concerns, showcasing how Salesforce’s built-in security measures allow companies to use AI technology confidently. The keynotes also highlighted several new features, demonstrating how LLMs power all-new generative, predictive, and analytical capabilities within the Salesforce solution library. 

In this brief explainer, we’ll highlight all of the most exciting innovations from Dreamforce.

Einstein One

A major component present in almost every Dreamforce keynote, the solution provider announced they would be relaunching their Einstein platform with all new AI-powered features. Einstein Copilot, the keystone of the all-new Einstein One, is a conversational AI assistant built into Salesforce’s UI and accessible throughout Salesforce’s library of solutions. Users can ask the Copilot analytical questions and receive detailed, accurate answers quickly, as the AI references Salesforce’s Data Cloud (more on that later). Additionally, Copilot proactively recommends next-best steps to users, generating assets like post-sales-call action plans on the fly. 

Einstein One also comes with the new Copilot Studio, a way to quickly build and deploy low-code, AI-powered applications. With a small side panel built into the familiar Einstein UI, users can leverage the Prompt, Skills, and Model Builders to create applications that address various organizational pain points.

Einstein Trust Layer

A key feature of the Einstein One platform, the Einstein Trust Layer allows organizations to filter out sensitive information before sending data through an LLM. With the Einstein Trust Layer, companies can: 

  • Mask sensitive data
  • Check for toxicity
  • Remain in compliance
  • Generate audit trails

Tableau Pulse

Similarly to Einstein One, Tableau Pulse is centered around making analytics as accessible as possible without interrupting employee workflows. Decoupled from dashboards, Pulse puts analytics in front of users within any tool, allowing them to access and leverage an intuitive, personalized metrics interface easily. Pulse also leverages AI to help users quickly get from “what” to “why,” automatically generating insights, preemptively posing answers to potential questions, and even suggesting further areas of inquiry.

Data Cloud

Simply put, Data Cloud is the“secret sauce” that allows AI and Salesforce to work together harmoniously. LLMs need data to function properly, and Data Cloud is the built-in data platform that connects organizations’ data across Salesforce applications. Data Cloud unlocks the ability to create “data lakehouses:” unique data spaces that allow organizations to extract insights from data more efficiently. Leveraging this cost-effective data model and paired with the Einstein Trust Layer, Data Cloud ensures that businesses can use AI to securely and seamlessly generate privacy-safe insights across every touchpoint, workflow, and tool.

AI + CRM + Data + Trust: A formula for Salesforce success

Dreamforce 2023 laid Salesforce’s priorities out clearly: to unlock the power and potential of AI by combining data, CRM, and customer confidence. 

Measures like the Einstein Trust Layer and Data Cloud’s privacy controls empower businesses to leverage AI confidently throughout the Salesforce network. With all-new features like Einstein One Copilot and Tableau Pulse, it’s easier than ever to get from “what” to “why” and action insights that drive revenue and growth. 

Are you interested in experiencing firsthand how AI and Salesforce unlock all-new levels of insight? Give us a call to speak with one of our consultants.

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