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Gerent Launches Sustainability @ Work, A New Podcast on Driving Meaningful Change

In addition to exploring how specific nonprofits drive change, our podcast delves into how listeners can make a difference in their own communities.

Gerent's newest podcast, Sustainability @ Work, has launched today! The podcast, produced by Transformation @ Work host, Jeff Stormer, features members of nonprofit and sustainability organizations, many of which collaborate with Gerent via our corporate social responsibility (CSR) arm, Gerent Gives

"We're trying to answer the question, how does one drop move an ocean?" Stormer explained. "Sustainability @ Work hosts meaningful conversations about sustainability efforts, charitable giving, and how one person can make a difference in the causes they really care about." 

In addition to exploring how specific nonprofits are helping make positive, impactful changes, the podcast delves into how listeners can make a difference in their own communities. Stormer said he wants listeners to realize that volunteering their time doesn't have to be a monumental commitment. 

"When I say I'm going to, on top of all of my other responsibilities, go out and volunteer my time for a charity, that is a very intimidating thing, right? So the impetus of Sustainability @ Work is kind of saying, 'well, it isn't intimidating; you can make a huge difference in very small, very achievable ways that can fit very nicely into your everyday life," he stated. 

The first episode of the Sustainability @ Work features Gerent employees Farrell McAuliffe and April Bollwage, who spoke with Stormer about their experience developing Gerent Gives. They also provided tips on how companies can drive change through year-round corporate responsibility initiatives, rather than annual donations. 

"There are a lot of organizations that will write a check once a year and not think about charitable giving again for 11 months," Stormer said. "Gerent Gives is an effort to encourage people to go out and volunteer their time and find creative, meaningful ways of giving back to causes they care about."

Other upcoming episodes feature the Judy Nelson Foundation, which works to remove the financial and logistical barriers that single mothers face when pursuing their educational goals, and Ocean Bottle, a nonprofit that funds and facilitates ocean cleanup. 

While Transformation @ Work was created specifically for professionals within the Salesforce ecosystem, Sustainability @ Work is a podcast for anyone, Stormer says. "This is very specifically a show for ordinary people working a nine-to-five looking to make the world a little bit better," he explained. "It's a podcast for people like us to step back and say, okay, here's how we can make a difference in our day-to-day lives."

Through Sustainability @ Work, Gerent hopes to both inspire meaningful philanthropic action and spotlight the missions of our charitable partners. "It's great that we're helping our customers achieve all their goals, but we wanted to use all of the resources we have as an organization to really drive change on a larger scale,” Stormer said. "We are a company, but we're also a company made up of people, and when people come together, they make a really powerful difference. There's no space better suited for that than at work."

You can find Sustainability @ Work wherever you listen to podcasts — our episodes stream on Soundcloud, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and more!

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